Sorry it has been so long since an update, but things have continued to be pretty busy at our house. Lauren is doing great! She finally started sleeping in her crib much to her parents' amazement. She is growing like a weed and is becoming more playful everyday. She still loves her star and playing on her mat. Her favorite though is playing "tennis" and going "fishing" with dad. She'll be going for her 4 month appointment in 3 weeks, so we'll see how her weight is progressing. She's definitely a tall girl though. At 3 1/2 mos. she's already outgrowing 3-6 month sized pants.
I've started back at work part-time (2 nights/week) and dad is doing a great job with just the two of them. He's got some magical Zen power to get her to burp that no one else has been able to master :) Lot's of excitement on the career front for James too. He recently started his own business to business consulting company and will be up and running in his new office by beginning of May. We are very excited for this great opportunity and are looking forward to him not having to travel as much as he used to.
Next week we'll be heading down to Texas for Easter. Hopefully I can get the Easter dress pics up on the blog in a bit more timely fashion. For now, here some more recent pics of Lauren.

Sleeping in her Bobby...very rare!

St. Patrick's Day fun!!

The morning after the first night in her crib! She's such a wiggle worm we've since gotten rid of all positioners so she can travel around in her crib.

First nature walk in her new walking stroller.