Well summer is almost here and we are ready for it! Lauren's been playing outside alot more lately and is really starting to enjoy going to the park. We're also enjoying our newly expanded back yard (see Backyard post). For Mother's Day we went on a lovely picnic to Hudson Gardens, one of our favorite places. Lauren loves to just roam free and has no problem venturing far away from mom and dad. Here are some pics from her adventures that day and a few other random shots.
McDonalds picnic - our favorite!
Climbing on the rocks - this girl has no fear.
Forced pic with mom - note mouth full of french fry :)
Playing in the sand box at the park.
Toilet paper fun - she was totally caught in the act on this one. It is actually dark in the bathroom and I snuck up on her with the flash

Getting ready for our first dip in the indoor pool.