It's been a fun month at our house. Lauren went back to school after the holidays and was sooo ready to be back. She loves her friends and teachers. I started her in swim lessons and she's doing really well. Hoping to have her swimming without floaties by summer. Julia also took her first swim, which lasted about 3 minutes. She wasn't a huge fan just yet. We're still doing our playgroup on Thursdays. The weather was so nice last week, we were able to go to the park. Julia is growing like a weed. She's up to eating two meals a day and has so far tried rice, oatmeal, peas, sweet potato and prunes. Unfortunately, she likes to suck her thumb after every bite, so it gets a bit messy. She'll go next week for her 6 month check up. Lauren had another ear infection and 2 rounds of antibiotics. Hoping those will come to an end here soon. We're all looking forward to spring, which comes so much earlier in Texas. Then we'll be dreading summer :)
First bites |
Getting used to the water |
My little fish |