Monday, January 5, 2009

Update on Lauren and the Moss's

Since being on our own the last 10 days or so, James and I are slowly starting to get a little sleep. For the first few days after my parents left, Lauren continued to have long periods of crying at night that made for some rough mornings. On Jan. 2nd, she went for her 2 week check-up and we decided to try her on Zantac in case her fussiness was caused by reflux. Since that night, she's been sleeping for 3-4 hours per stretch at night and mom and dad are much happier! She has become much more animated and playful. Her favorite game is to play with her hands...she also like to hide behind them when she sleeps (see pic below).
My hospital t-shirt!

Taking a snooze...hopefully will learn to sleep in my bassinet soon :)

New Year's Eve...12:01 and mom's still awake!!!

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