Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2 months checkup

Lauren had her 2-month checkup on Feb. 19th. Everything looks good according to Dr. Murphy. She's 24 inches long and 10lbs 6 oz which makes her in the 75% for height and 40% for weight. She got her first series of immunizations and other than one minor meltdown, handled her shots like a pro. (The crying in the picture is actually because we made her get dressed...likes to be naked!). Dr. Murphy says we don't have to make the dreaded transition from sleeping in her carseat to sleeping in her crib for another couple of months still. Needless to say that was a relief to hear. We'll continue with our current feeding plan since her stomach seems to be tolerating it much better. So basically that means no queso for mom for awhile still and ridiculously expensive formula for Lauren...just like my daughter to have expensive taste :)

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