Sorry for the long silence, but the laptop has been busy these days helping James get up and running with his new business. Things are clipping right along at the Moss house though. Lauren is growing like a weed and getting more playful everyday. About two weeks ago, we took her for an upper GI xray because of her excessive spitting up. Basically it showed that she has severe reflux. Her doctor decided to put her on some additional meds to hopefully help her keep more of her food down and protect her esophagus from developing ulcers. Luckily, both the new medicines are liquids and she LOVES them! At her 5 month appt she weighed 13lbs 8oz which keeps her at the 25%. As long as she stays steady and doesn't drop, the doctor is happy with her weight. She's doing a much better job taking 2 naps a day (which mom is soooo happy about). Still waking up once a night to eat but goes right back to sleep until about 8am. Her sleep position has officially become on her stomach with her legs squished up and her butt in the air. She still loves to play in her Boppy chair and her Bumbo and continues to find new and exciting things to put in her mouth :) Next step...FOOD!

"Wonder why people always say I look like my dad?"

Pulling out Kleenex favorite game.

"Peanuts? What peanuts?"

Our other baby...exhausted from a long day of cleaning up after Lauren.
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