Tuesday, December 7, 2010

SPELC Xmas Pageant

This was Lauren's first year to be in the Xmas pageant at her school. Her class were the "angels" who got to ride in wagons through the sanctuary. She did really well, not one tear or wiggle the whole trip. Next year - singing!
Being patient in the hallway before the show.

Our little angel!

Enjoying a cookie at the reception afterwards
(probably the most exciting part).

Parade of Lights

Every year since we've moved to Denver, James and I have attended Parade of Lights in downtown Denver. It's a great event (even when it's freezing) for young and old alike. This year was Lauren's first year to go and she LOVED it! Her favorite was definitely the marching bands ("musekic") and Santa at the end.
Mommy and Lauren in front of Santa

Who doesn't love a HUGE, flying Rudolph!


We had a quiet Thanksgiving this year with just the three of us. I decided to go with a premade meal with all the fixings and it came out great! Here's Lauren enjoying her first Thanksgiving at the table.

Ready to eat!

I've got my Indian hat and my spoon - now where's the turkey!?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Building blocks

Lauren goes through phases with toys and what she's interested in. Right now she's in a building stage. Blocks and legos are everywhere! Here's a picture of her showing off her tower. Check out youtube for more building video.
"I did it!"

Trick or treat and Fall Fun!

Sorry I've been slow in getting Halloween pics up. My parents came to Denver for a week around Halloween and Lauren had a great time playing with them, going to the park and trick or treating. We've had some beautiful fall weather this year with only one day with a few flurries. Fingers crossed this continues! Here are a few pics from around Halloween.

A beautiful fall day with Nana and Grandad
Trick or treating in the wagon
Lauren and Amber cheesing for the camera

A little relaxing after a hard nights work

Saturday, October 23, 2010


On Friday night we attended Spooktoddler, a fun Halloween event at our local rec center. It was a bit of a test run for Lauren's Minney Mouse costume. Since the event ended up being a free for all in the gym with trampolines and all sorts of equipment, we figured the outfit can now survive a little trick-or-treating.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Georgetown Train

This Saturday, our friends Amy, Mike and Amber, invited us on the Georgetown train ride. Georgetown is a little town just into the mountains. The old-fashioned train loops through the beautiful scenery for a 1 hour trip. Lauren loved it and as always loved hanging out with her friend Amber. We've been lucky enough to get up into the mountains a little bit this month to see the gorgeous Aspen trees changing. Our weather has been awesome with NO SNOW yet!!! (knock on wood)

Family outing

Our friends Mike, Amy and Amber

The really high bridge we had to cross - TWICE!!

Miss Choo Choo herself

Beautiful scenery

Patch of yellow is Aspen trees - the only ones that really change color in the mountains.

Pumpkin Festival

Every year they have a PUmpkin Festival at the Botanical Gardens by our house. This was our first year to attend and we LOVED it! It was really like an old fashioned carnival with rides, a band, a huge pumpkin patch to pick your own pumpkin and a huge corn maze. Unfortunately it was a cold, rainy day - but we managed to have a little fun before the rain came down.

A fall day in Colorado!

Hanging out in the pumpkin patch.

"Too heavy!"

"Mom - quit making me pose for pumpkin pictures!"

State Fair

While in Dallas we also hit the Texas State Fair. This was one of my favorite events growing up. In Dallas, the schools celebrate "Fair Day" and there's actually a school holiday so everyone can go. IT was great fun taking Lauren. We had a beautiful 75 degree day and she had a blast! Definitely the best petting zoo we've ever seen.

Smiling by the piggies - oink, oink!

Kangaroos at a petting zoo!!

Her first "big girl ride". Note mom hanging on for dear life.

Jason's Wedding

We've got lot's to update since my last post. In late September, we went to Dallas for my cousin Jason's wedding. We had a fabulous time! The rehearsal dinner and wedding were both beautiful events and we all had fun at both. Lauren had an especially good time on the dance floor at the wedding where she proceeded to dance the night away until about 11:30! Watch out...this is one party girl!

Dancing the night away

Party girl

The nervous groom!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Riding a Horse

This weekend we went on a hike with our friends Lucy  and Jimmy.  Lauren did great in her hiking backpack. When we stopped to let her walk around and climb on the rocks (her favorite), a few park rangers on horseback came up. Lauren got to pet "Dream" and even got to sit on his back! She wasn't scared at all and really wanted to share her cheesestick with him.

First Day of School

Lauren started a more official "preschool" last week. She'll go every Tuesday morning from 9:30-1:30. There are five kids in her class and two teachers, Miss Tat and Miss Robyn. So far she loves it. They do music class, playground time and of course Lauren's favorite - snack time. Here are a few pics from her first day.

All ready to go!
Walking in to school - no fear at all!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

San Diego Vacation

We just got home from our first official "family vacation". We went to San Diego for 10 days and met up with James's sister Judy and our twin nieces, 11-year-old Emma and Caity. Lauren had her first experience sleeping in a hotel room, seeing the beach, visiting the San Diego Zoo and playing in the pool with her cousins. We had a wonderful time and overall Lauren did really well. She loved the beach and wasn't afraid of the water at all! We had a blast and the best part was getting to see Judy and the girls after 4 long years. Here are just a few of our many photos.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Big Girl Seat

Lauren graduated out of the high chair into a booster seat. Can't really say that it's improving her attention span at the table but at least we have more room in the kitchen. Also note her lovely winter hat that she insists on wearing all the time...
"I'm one of you now!"

"Time for snow yet?"