Tuesday, August 17, 2010

San Diego Vacation

We just got home from our first official "family vacation". We went to San Diego for 10 days and met up with James's sister Judy and our twin nieces, 11-year-old Emma and Caity. Lauren had her first experience sleeping in a hotel room, seeing the beach, visiting the San Diego Zoo and playing in the pool with her cousins. We had a wonderful time and overall Lauren did really well. She loved the beach and wasn't afraid of the water at all! We had a blast and the best part was getting to see Judy and the girls after 4 long years. Here are just a few of our many photos.

1 comment:

Randy, Kristen, Ben, and Logan Hood said...

Lauren is the cutest little starfish I have ever seen! SO CUTE!!! And oh my gosh, look how big your nieces have gotten in 4 years! (Has it really been 4 years since your wedding??) I can't wait to see the Moss family in September! :-) Love you dearly~