Friday, March 11, 2011

Back to the Blog

Sorry for the loooong blog absence. I don't really have any excuse but pure laziness. 2011 has gotten off to a good start for us. Lauren is still loving school and is going two days a week now. She is becoming more of a "little girl" everyday. Currently her favorite activities are reading (see pics and videos), playing with her "friends" - stuffed or otherwise - and watching Dora incessently. She has also become OBSESSED with princesses. I guess with a 2-year-old girl, that was inevitable.

James has been able to take advantage of the winter with a 3 day snow shoe trip and a great day of skiing. I'm just looking forward to day lights savings and a little more sunshine in the evenings. We're all slowing getting ready for our new addition in August. So far no idea if it's a boy or a girl, but scheduled to find out April 5th. We decided to wait until then to tell Lauren, although she talks alot about her baby brother/sister - not sure where she learned that.

Here's some pics of our family life over the past couple months.
Reading on the stairs

Reading to baby

Children's Museum

Our Little Hitler
Lieing down with friends

James's snowshoe hike
Hut he stayed in

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