Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Catching Up

Sorry it's been so long since an update...no excuse really :( Things are going well in Denver though. Lauren just turned 10 mos yesterday!! She went in for her 9 mos appointment in Sept and weighed in at 18lbs 10 oz and 28.5 in. which puts her in the 50th% for weight and 90th% for height. We were pretty excited about the increase in weight, but seeing how she attacks her food, we weren't surprised :) She's crawling around like crazy and pulling up on anything she can get her hands on. She's starting to walk with us holding her hands, so we expect by her birthday she'll be cruising. She's got 3 teeth now and a 4th just popped through yesterday. She's pretty much exclusively on finger food now and doesn't have much time for baby food. Still loves going to My Gym and is finishing up her second round of swim lessons. Other than that, just spending her days playing away at home. Here are a few random picks from the last 6 weeks.

Playing at My Gym...

With Daddy on her first picnic...

Exploring all angles of her Exersaucer..
Photo opp at Wash park...on Daddy's 40th birthday!!!