Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fun At Home

Well, January has been a rather uneventful month. Lauren is getting pretty good at walking in short spurts. Check out YouTube for video. She's also been a bit sick for the last week, so we have been spending alot of time at home playing with our toys...and other non-toy stuff.  Seems like the favorite so far in climbing in and out of the laundry basket.  Somebody remind me why we keep buying her "real" toys?

We love riding our Mickey plane. Note the "basset hound-like" amount of drool...apparently her 1st year molars are coming in.

Second favorite game..."pulling out all the bibs". Guess who gets to repack them several times a day?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fun with Granny

Recently James's mom, "Granny", flew back home to New Zealand. We were lucky enough to have had her stay with us the past month. Lauren absolutely LOVED having her Granny around to play "piggie toes" and to teach her to blow kisses (see YoutTube for video). So here are a few pics of our wonderful month with Granny.