Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Bunny

Each year Lauren has loved our Easter Bunny visits. This year was no exception. She waited patiently while Bunny was on a "carrot break" and was so excited to finally get her turn to sit and talk with him. Check out the youtube for her conversation.

Easter Bunny official shot

Chatting before picture time

Fun Pics

Here are a few fun pics from recent weeks.

With Aunt Joanne

Chillin in the sun with snacky

Dressed for spring

"This duck makes a pretty good pillow!"

Best buds

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Day at the Zoo and Build-a-Bear too!

Last weekend we took advantage of a beautiful day and headed to the zoo. Lauren enjoyed all the animals, but really just loved running around (usually away from us). Later that day we went to pick out a bunny at Build-a-Bear. She had a blast giving her bunny a bath.

In front of the meerkats ("Zoe's)

Looking through her "cave"

Learning to smile for camera but needs to open eyes

Favorite ride ever!

Giving bunny a bath

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Introducing Baby Girl Moss!!

We went for our official ultrasound today and everything looks perfect with our new little girl. I am 22.5 weeks today, which coincidently is exactly the same as I was with Lauren's ultrasound. This turned out to be really interesting because we could compare their measurements. They are EXACTLY the same size at this point - 1lb 4oz. And, at least to us, this little girl looks alot like Lauren in her pictures. James and I are thinking she'll be a little mini Lauren with red hair! Overall everything was perfect. She is a mover and shaker though. She flipped back and forth 180 degrees at least three times during the scan. The US tech said in her 17 years experience, she's rarely seen such an active baby. She should fit right in with her dare-devil sister!

So here she is - baby girl Moss...

Forhead just like her sister