Friday, December 9, 2011

Julia 4 month appt

Julia had her 4 month doctor appt on Wed.  Overall she is doing good. She hitting all her developmental milestones like smiling, laughing and turning over.  The only slight concern was her growth. She went from the 50th% across the board to the 20-25th%. However, looking back, this is exactly what her sister did, so I'm not too worried.  Anyone who's met my children know they are HUGE pukers - the result of reflux. We've had Julia on Zantac, but due to her weight, we're going to switch her to Prevacid and see if that helps.  She's also going through a rough sleep patch, waking up 2-3 times a night.  We're going to move her into her crib this weekend, so hoping that might actually help the sleep situation.  Combined with Lauren waking up once a night, sleep is a pretty elusive thing right now.  Oh well - there's always Starbucks!!

Eat up!!

1 comment:

Randy, Kristen, Ben, and Logan Hood said...

I hope she starts sleeping better in her own bed! Both of my boys did SO much better when I moved them into their own bed/bedroom. Waking up 2-3 times a night at 4 months old is for the birds! Miss Julia, don't you know your momma needs more sleep than that??? :-) Keep us posted on the progress!